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AD Application

Register application in Active Directory

  1. Navigate to Azure Active Directory
  2. Select App registrations
  3. Click New registration
  4. Provide a name to reference the new app registration e.g. valtixcontroller In the Supported account types choose the 2nd option Accounts in any organizational directory. (Choose the option appropriate to your organization) The Redirect URI is not needed for the creation of the App registration. Click Register
  5. In the left navigation bar under the newly created application, click Certificates & secrets
  6. Click + New client secret, and then enter the required information in the Add a client secret dialog
    • Description - Add a description (e.g valtix-controller-secret1)
    • Expires - Choose Never (or any time as appropriate. You will need to create new secrets when the current one expires)
  7. Click Add. The Client secret is populated under the Value column
  8. Copy the Client secret into a notepad, as this is shown only once and is never displayed again
  9. In the left navigation bar click Overview (this is the application overview), copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID into a notepad