Release 2.8 - 2021-06-08¶
- Combined East-West & Egress Gateways
- Traffic summary with time series data, graphs and summarized events
- Show diffs on Policy Changes before save
- Support of password reset
- Support EBS Encryption for Valtix Gateway
- Improved display of Cloud region names with City/Location name
- Support SNAT at service level instead of Gateway
- Valtix Terraform provider support for Windows and Mac OS
- New terraform resource to manage policy rules independent of the policy ruleset
Click Here for more details about the release
2.8-08 - 2021-09-06¶
- Enhancement: Added Forward Proxy support for applications/services that use Websockets protocol (e.g. AWS SSM/EC2Messages) to Egress/East-West Gateway
- Fix: Fixes an issue where the datapath would process Forwarding traffic as Forward Proxy under certain mixed Forwarding and Forward Proxy scenarios
2.8-07 - 2021-08-16¶
- Fix: Enhances datapath connection pool stability in mixed traffic proxy scenarios for both Ingress and Egress/East-West Gateways
2.8-06 - 2021-08-02¶
- Fix: Fixes datapath error conditions and enhances Gateway stability in various high traffic stress scenarios
2.8-05 - 2021-07-16¶
- Fix: Fixes an issue in an Ingress use-case where the Gateway was unable to pass traffic in certain TLS reverse-proxy scenarios
2.8-04 - 2021-07-05¶
- Fix: Fixes a stability issue when a Policy Rule without an IPS profile is followed by a Policy Rule with an IPS profile using the same Service object leads to a Gateway restart loop
- Fix: Fixes an issue in DLP where putty DSA and RSA key patterns are not recognized
- Fix: Fixes an issue when a WAF profile is enabled and a request has a payload larger than 8KB, in some cases the Gateway does not send the request to the backend server
- Fix: Fixes stability issues related to various stress scenarios
2.8-03 - 2021-06-23¶
- Fix: Fixes an issue where a malformed packet received by the Valtix Gateway can cause occasional disruption to traffic forwarding
2.8-02 - 2021-06-17¶
- Fix: Fixes an interoperability issue with Internet Explorer: If a Policy Ruleset has multiple SNIs, Internet Explorer gets presented with an incorrect certificate
2.8-01 - 2021-06-08¶
- Enhancements / Fixes: General release of 2.8