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Update / Upgrade Valtix Gateways

Valtix releases new images for the Valtix Gateway with enhancements and bug fixes. The update process has no operational impact or downtime. Valtix creates a new set of instances with the new image. Once the new instances are available, they will begin processing traffic. Once the traffic on the old instances is flushed, the old instances are deleted.


  1. Navigate to Manage -> Gateways
  2. Select the checkbox for the Gateway you want to upgrade (only one selection can be made at this time)
  3. Select Actions -> Upgrade
  4. From the Gateway Image list, select the desired image
  5. Click Save
  6. Confirm the CSP resource allocation necessary for the upgrade
  7. Click Yes if the resource allocation is sufficient. Click No if the resource allocation is insufficient, increase the resource allocation in the CSP, and return to continue the upgrade.


You can view the upgrade progress and new Gateway instances being created from the Instances info for the Gateway: Select the Gateway and view the Instances in the Details pane.