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Terraform Provider Release: 22.8

22.8.1 - September 10, 2022

  • Enhancement: Provides support for limiting TLS to a minimum version within a Decryption Profile resource (valtix_profile_decryption). IMPORTANT: The same minimum version must be used consistently throughout the Policy Ruleset Rules resources (valtix_policy_rules) associated with a Policy Ruleset (Standalone or Group) resource (valtix_policy_rule_set). Otherwise the minimum version applied cannot be predetermined.
  • Enhancement: Adds support for forwarding Events/Logs to an S3 Bucket using a Log Forwarding Profile resource (valtix_profile_log_forwarding)

  • Fix: Fixes an issue where attempting to update the credentials for an onboarding GCP account using the CSP Account resource (valtix_cloud_account) would fail

  • Fix: Update to the Terraform documentation for a Certificate resource (valtix_profile_certificate) to emphasize the requirement to use a full path for the GCP secret
  • Fix: Fixes an issue where attempting to upgrade a Gateway image in a Gateway resource (valtix_gateway) for a GCP Gateway would fail
  • Fix: Changes the argument name for the SIEM vendor from siem_vendor to destination for a Log Forwarding Profile resource (valtix_profile_log_forwarding)
  • Fix: Fixes an issue where exceeding FQDN and URL Filtering Profile resources (valtix_profile_fqdn, valtix_profile_urlfilter) limits were not being validated
  • Fix: Fixes an issue where Terraform would crash when credentials were re-applied to a CSP Account resource (valtix_cloud_account) for an invalid onboarded CSP Account